Is ‘Wake the Wicked’ right for you? [Find Out In Three Easy Steps]

Wake the Wicked Cover

If Wake the Wicked: Thirteen Twisted Tales grabbed your interest but you’re still not sure if it’s right for you, read on.

Art is an extension of my soul and I chose to express Wake the Wicked  through creative writing; and right now, I’m on a search for the right audience! One that will appreciate the book for all that it is.


So, in an effort to gather these special, imaginative, macabre-minded people, I wrote this blog post to help guide potential readers.  Now it’s easy to decide if the book is right for you!


 [6.8.13 UPDATE]: 

Sorry! You’ve arrived a bit too late. I’ve just slaughtered the first two steps. They were just a dumbed down version of the material already out there. Don’t worry though, you won’t need them because you’re smart enough to make a decision without them.

You’ll know if Wake the Wicked: Thirteen Twisted Tales is right for you by reading the blurb, viewing the cover art, reading reputable reviews, and checking out the book trailer (below). You can even read the first story here.




If you’ve made it this far, you’re a rare breed—possibly deranged and dangerous! I bet you can hear Wake the Wicked: Thirteen Twisted Tales screaming your name.
It’s now time to order: Kindle | Nook |  KoboiBooks | Google Play | Paperback | Espresso Book Machine

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