Download My Animated iMessage Sticker Pack!

Stickers. Slap them on top of bubbles, dress up a photo, or even put one on another sticker. Available in the new App Store for iMessage. Apple

screenshot_gsg_stickers Standard emoji’s not enough to convey your moods in chat? No worries! The moment Apple announced iOS 10, specifically stickers for iMessage, I stopped everything to be a part of it already. I say “already” because a few years ago I set the goal to become an Apple Developer when I bought a how-to book on creating apps; today, this goal was officially set in motion when my first project, Gnome Sweet Gnome – Animated Sticker Pack, was accepted to Apple’s iMessage App Store!  I have fond memories of reading Gnomes by Poortvliet/Huygen and watching the tv series David the Gnome. Both have fueled my fascination with the little devils and inspired me to create a sticker pack featuring Mika, a 250-year-old Gnome who has just revealed himself to mankind. Learn more about Mika and download the sticker pack on the App Store HERE. This is just the beginning of my sticker production. My list of ideas grows by the day. Be sure to follow me as I create more. Got suggestions? Drop me an email.


A video posted by Christian Baloga (@cbaloga) on


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