Instant-Print Your Favorite Books With Espresso Book Machine

Excited Finger Reading Book

Readers and authors, celebrate! Print and read your favorite paperback book in minutes.

Excited Finger Reading Book

Readers, have you ever wished the book you wanted could be printed within minutes, on-site, and for immediate in-store pick-up? Students, has a textbook sold out and you need a copy for your next class? Maybe you’d like a last-minute gift for a bibliophile? You’re all shaking your heads yes, but thinking I’m teasing. I’m delighted to let you know your wish has been granted. The future of book manufacturing is here. A revolutionary piece of technology called Espresso Book Machine (EBM) makes titles available for sale worldwide, within minutes. Wahoo! Continue reading “Instant-Print Your Favorite Books With Espresso Book Machine”

Which Addy Awards have I won?

Addy Award Winners
Click image to view story.

I received a text from my dad saying, “There is an article in today’s paper about the addy awards that u won.” It was regarding a recent newspaper article in the Citizens Voice titled “AAF holds annual awards ceremony.” Since it’s the season and I don’t have more info. on the awards I’ve won, I thought it’d be a good time to talk about what the AAF and Addy Awards are, and which I’ve won.

According to its website, the AAF, or, The American Advertising Federation, is America’s oldest advertising trade association, headquartered in Washington, D.C. This association acts as a “Unifying Voice for Advertising” and operates a multitude of programs and initiatives, including the annual American Advertising Awards, which was held on Friday in Northeast Pa., at Colarusso’s LaPalazzo in Moosic.

The AAF awards is the largest creative awards competition in the advertising industry and honors excellence in advertising. What graphic designer wouldn’t want to be a part of this?!

So, how many Addy Awards have I won? Uno. Dos. Tres! Three. Check out the gallery below to see them. And which have I won? As a student in 2009, I was awarded two bronze Addy Award medals for a book cover and candy package design.

Because money was nonexistent during my last semester of college in 2010, my former graphic design professor, Christine Medley, out of the kindness of her heart, submitted a T-shirt I designed for the CMYKlub, a graphic design club that I founded and was elected president to during my studies at Marywood University. I’m so grateful for Medley’s generosity. I hope she was proud that night at the ceremony after watching me win the gold Addy Award medal for the shirt. Thank you again!

[ngg_images gallery_ids=”22″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″]

To view more of my award-winners, check out a gallery of my portfolio here.

Addy Award Medal photos coming soon. Check back.

Interview: The Weekender – ‘A Hair Day Unlike Any Other’

Want a dose of weird? Pick up the Weekender newspaper and flip to page thirty to read a comprehensive, full-page interview on my human hair art on display now at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum in NYC. Click the picture below, or here, to read the complete interview online.

Weekender Newspaper Hair Art Article
Photo of the Weekender article on Christian Baloga’s hair art displayed at Ripley’s museum in NYC.

‘Wake the Wicked’ One Year Anniversary!

Wake the Wicked Eyes Opening CoverOne year ago yesterday, on December 21, 2012, “Wake the Wicked: Thirteen Twisted Tales” was first published in eBook format!

There’s no better time than this to extend my sincerest thanks to those who have supported and brought this incredible endeavor to life.

To those who attended the book signing, wrote insightful reviews to help potential readers, suggested the book to others, or read the book out of morbid curiosity, I thank you! I could’ve never imagined how successful this bizarre collection of short stories would become.

I’ve learned more than I could’ve imagined on this yearlong roller coaster ride and it’s made me as passionate about story telling as ever!

Thank you again for creeping along with me, dear reader. I look forward to many more years of success. Stay tuned.

My First Barnes & Noble Book Signing [PHOTOS]

Barnes & Noble recently hosted a “Local Author Booksigning Panel,” featuring authors from Northeastern Pennsylvania, and I was fortunate enough to be one of them!

Featured authors, from left, are Barbara Gavlick Hartnett, Christian Baloga, Richard Cobb, and Jeff Davis.

Thank you all for supporting us at The Arena Hub Barnes & Noble book signing on November 7, 2013! I could’ve never imagined the amount of rousing energy that would be passed between one person and the other at an event like this. It was so uplifting!

My First Book Signing!

Thursday November 07, 2013 6:00 PM
The Arena Hub, 421 Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702, 570-829-4210

B&N Book Signing

My literary agent worked his magic and hooked me up with a last minute book signing at Barnes & Noble this coming Thursday at The Arena Hub Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, PA where I will be signing the Wake the Wicked. Click here for complete details.

Note: Because it was booked at the last moment, you might notice my name is missing from the panel and promotional material, but I’ll be there.

Hope to see you!

Join the event on Facebook.