My Strange Passion With Fashion

“Tailor these clothes to fit your guilt, what’s your size?”  ‘Donatella,’ Lady Gaga.

I design and alter most of my evening-wear to satisfy my specific style. Here are a few of my latest fashion undertakings that I’ve pieced together, just for shiggles, from the last few years.

Faux Leather Studded Jacket & Tee
Spiked Shoulder Tee & Faux Leather Studded Jacket


[ngg_images gallery_ids=”21″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” exclusions=”367″ gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″] Continue reading “My Strange Passion With Fashion”

How to Transform Baggy Jeans Into Skinny Jeans

Skinny Jeans

Having a body like Jack Skellington makes for owning a pair of well-fitting jeans very difficult, especially if most of them come from secondhand shops and you live in a small town like mine—unless you can afford a tailor, that is; over the years I’ve collected too many that wrap around me like a circus tent, so I’ve improvised and made them fit by taking them in at the waist and slimming down the legs.

To complete this tutorial, you’ll need Continue reading “How to Transform Baggy Jeans Into Skinny Jeans”