Interview: The Weekender – ‘A Hair Day Unlike Any Other’

Want a dose of weird? Pick up the Weekender newspaper and flip to page thirty to read a comprehensive, full-page interview on my human hair art on display now at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum in NYC. Click the picture below, or here, to read the complete interview online.

Weekender Newspaper Hair Art Article
Photo of the Weekender article on Christian Baloga’s hair art displayed at Ripley’s museum in NYC.

Human Hair Sculpture – Vampire Bat

“Human Hair Vampire Bat”
human hair
Christian Baloga


 [6.6.14 UPDATE]: 

Since I was fortunate enough to have this piece, and two other human hair sculptures, bought from Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum, I have postponed the local NEPA art exhibit until further notice. Check back regularly and join the newsletter for updates.

Throughout history, human hair and its diverse styles have served as important cultural signifiers, symbolizing wealth, status, and health. The moment it’s detached from the human body, however, it becomes grotesque, often manifesting decay, loss, and repugnance.

This conditional perception of beauty is what inspired this sculpture, and a host other pieces in my future art exhibit currently titled “Christian Baloga: The Beauty of Grotesque,” that will be held sometime later this year.

Stitching this hairy life-size sculpture of a Common Vampire Bat took roughly seventy five hours. Just think about how much blood can be indulged upon in that time!

Expect more, but not all, posts from this exhibition every couple weeks or so.

Human Hair Vampire Bat Main

Human Hair Vampire Bat