Download ‘Santy Claus – Animated Stickers’ for iMessage

Do you see what I see?

Greetings from the North Pole! It’s Santy Claus beaming with good will and cheerfulness. 

Celebrate the season by decorating your iMessages with this festive set of animated stickers. Be merry, be jolly, and believe in these decorative accents.

Spread cheer all year round by downloading Santy Claus – Animated Stickers today.

If you love Santy Claus, please let us know by leaving a review—doing so will encourage us to add more! 

Stickers Include: Continue reading “Download ‘Santy Claus – Animated Stickers’ for iMessage”

Download ‘Hellocopter – Animated Stickers’ for iMessage

Hellocopter - Animated StickersImagine looking down from a hot air balloon or the Eiffel Tower’s dizzying glass floor. You think, how breathtaking and otherworldly it all looks from up here. You feel as if you were a crow flying above crowds of people.

You notice one man in the crowd stop. Continue reading “Download ‘Hellocopter – Animated Stickers’ for iMessage”