‘Wake the Wicked’ Now On Google Play!

Order Google Play

Order Google Play

I hadn’t planned for this to be one of my big news posts, but when someone asked me last night if my book, Wake the Wicked, was available on Google Books, and it wasn’t, I needed to make some changes.

With the rising growth of Google Play, I thought, “How could Wake the Wicked not be a part of the store?” I wasted no time in putting my swamp rats to work. And now, after only a few laborious hours, I’m happy to announce it’s arrival to the book store! Click HERE, or the big Google Play image, to order now.

Special thanks to Maureen for the suggestion!

Don’t have Google Play? Here are a few other places to order from:

Kindle | Nook |  Kobo | iBooks | Google Play | Paperback | Espresso Book Machine

Book Review: Weekender – “Wake the Wicked”

Weekender Book Review

Photo of review pictured above. Read on for text taken from The Weekender Newspaper review.

BOOK REVIEW: Local author spins 13 ‘Wicked’ tales

October 31. 2013 1:37PM
By Sara Pokorny

It’s that time of year for things that are delightfully twisted – and a local author’s 13-story compilation falls nothing short of that description. Continue reading “Book Review: Weekender – “Wake the Wicked””

Book Review: The Autodidact In The Attic – “Wake the Wicked”

I’m so thankful for this Wake the Wicked book review by Victoria Craven from The Autodidact In The Attic. It’s substantive, sincere, and thought-provoking—everything an author could dream of!



Want more? Check out the author interview between her and me here.

Wake the Wicked [eBook] Book Cover Revealed!

Wake the Wicked Cover
Click for a larger image to view and share.

The cover art for Christian Baloga’s upcoming book, Wake the Wicked has been revealed!

Featuring a stunning, yet unsettling portrait, the cover art captures the true essence of the twisted horror collection.

Wake the Wicked will be available 12/21/12 (day of the apocalypse / Mayan birth of a new era). More to come . . .

View/share the Wake the Wicked book cover art.

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More on Wake the Wicked.